Strategy Tutors

The role of Strategy Tutors is, broadly, to assist student-athletes in adjusting successfully to the rigorous academic demands of the University of Notre Dame; strategy Tutors are paired with freshman student-athletes to help with this transition, helping them implement an effective time management program to stay on track with their coursework, as well develop efficient studying techniques, and to build academic skills.

The program attempts to instill these positive habits in each student-athlete through practice and repetition. For this reason, the student-athlete and Strategy Tutor meet several times a week on a regular schedule, typically during student-athlete Study Hall sessions.

Strategy Tutors work closely with Academic Counselors and Learning Specialists, acting as proxies during Study Hall sessions. Throughout each session, Strategy Tutors may work with student-athletes on note-taking, test-taking, and/or reading comprehension skills necessary to the development of their independence.

Weekly meetings generally find Strategy Tutors first breaking down due dates for upcoming assignments and looking with the student-athlete at their academic calendar, preparing priority lists, and talking through assignments so the student-athlete fully understands what is expected of them. While the student-athlete works, the Strategy Tutor may help set up a Subject Tutor meeting (e.g. Stats, Philosophy, Theology) with the student-athlete, but will primarily ensure that the student-athlete is diligently working and on-task.

The expectation for this role is, first and foremost, about keeping student-athletes academically on track and accountable. As the name implies, Strategy Tutors focus on teaching strategies that promote learner independence; ideally, not only will a student-athlete complete and understand an assignment but also take this new understanding and apply it to similar tasks in the future.

Strategy Tutors will work with the same student-athletes throughout a semester, helping develop these skills, and are therefore asking to commit to the program for the entire semester.  Only Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate Students are eligible to become strategy tutors. Specifically, those with teaching, tutoring, and educational backgrounds will find this role the most comfortable and rewarding for utilizing and growing their skills.

Interested candidates should apply here and send a resume to the Learning Specialist group at